About Jacqueline

About Jacqueline

This website is like many others, the sharing of knowledge, information gathering, opening up to vulnerability, strength and courage.

It is Philosophical (greater understandings)

It is Pedagogical (sharing of learnings)

It is Practical ( hands reflecting my mind-work)

I like to refer to it as Searching for the Ūwha in birthing.

You will discover the website is merely a series of beginnings.  It gives you access to my way of viewing the world as Tāpuhi. 

It is orality in multiple mediums and flows like me,

Ko awa ko au Ko au te awa

(I am the River and the River is me),

And it stops at me.

Ko Maunga ko au.  Ko au te Maunga.

(I am the Mountain and the Mountain is me.

I am a Storyteller.  I am an Artist.  I am me.  There are no bells and whistles here.  Just me and in the eyes of my whakapapa, Me is just fine.

Ko Tāpuhi LMC ™ ahau.

Jacqueline R M Martin

Get in touch with Jacqueline